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Český svaz ochránců přírody


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Hotel a pension Seeberg

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Český rozhlas Karlovy Vary

Český rozhlas Karlovy Vary


Karlovarský kraj

Karlovarský kraj 

Karlovarský kraj


Lázně Františkovy Lázně a. s.

Lázně Františkovy Lázně a. s.


Turistické Infocentrum Františkovy Lázně

Infocentrum Františkovy Lázně 


Kudy z nudy - tipy na výlet

Hesham MalikHesham Malik’s artistic expression is characterized as fresh, with a much-elaborated relationship to the form, design and color scheme. The critical world art scene puts him in front positions of current contemporary art representants. The theme of Malik’s creation simply includes the ordinary life of people – yet his analysis and expression of this “everydayness” is unique.

Malik intentionally exposes himself to the native cultures and their habitat, he concentrates on the direct interaction with the people in the community. From this, he has gained much of the philosophical and ethnographic knowledge. Crossing the borders of cultural areas has been Malik’s passion and lifelong inspiration for creation. The contrasts and trivia of similarities of our human life are the subjects of his observations.

Hesham Malik is a narrator and critique at once. He invites the viewer to a deep introspection and calls to a dialogue.

22nd of June 2013 - Falconry day in Soos preserve


  • 12:30pm exhibition of predatory birds and owls
  • 1:00pm and 2:30pm flight demonstrations of predatory birds with commentary in Czech and German

The entrance fee is the standard entrance fee of the Reservation (see Opening hours & entrance fee)

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on 1st of June 2013 - Seeberg games

Beginning at 2.30 PM with the arrival of King Charles IV. and his Company.

You will see a big dancing fashion show on the occasion the 220th anniversary of the founding of Frantiskovy Lazne (fashion from Gothic to Elvis Presley and in addition a collection of boutique of Mrs. Alena Vávrová - summer collection - hats and dresses).

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from 1pm till 4pm

Show of trained birds of prey and owls.

At 1pm and 2.30pm: a lecture and a demonstration of birds of prey, in Czech and German language.

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27th - 28th of July 2013 - Historical fair at the Seeberg castle with a cultural program

Saturday from 10am, 12:30pm a 3pm: Live performance of the "Saviola" fencing group, historical and period dance-performance of the "Gloria" group, the street theater of Viktor Braunreiter with fairy tales for adults and for children;

Market-stands during both days: e.g. the hand-made and hand-painted pottery, hand-crafted jewellery and marionettes, but also warm and cold plates, hot and cold beverages for adults and kids (beer for the parents and sweets for the kids, you choose...)

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On 8th of September 2012 the next Seeberg games are going to be held in the Seeberg castle.

The program contains a ceremony of the Sharpshooters from Frantiskovy Lazne with an inspectional visit of the emperor Frantisek Josef I. and archduke Frantisek Josef I., the future emperor. Further, a dancing pseudo-musical with elements of operetta, tirol folk songs and sweet Viennese zither melodies.
All begins at 2.30 PM on the first castle courtyard with arrival of the emperor and the parade. Then at 3.00 PM at the first castle courtyard the sharpshooters perform for the emperor and the visitors of the castle.

Casting: Emperor František Josef I., archduke Karel, Zita Bourbonská-Parmská, Marie Terezie Portugalská - all in person, Sharpshooters from Frantiskovy Lazne - Ms. Havlickova's dancing group (ZUŠ Cheb)

Choreography: J. Havlíčková Singing: A. Benešová Production: Town museum Frant. Lázně
Libretro and Direction: Mgr. Stanislav Macek Costumes: E. Jagobová, V. Šimková

Entrance fee: Adults 120,- Kč (the castle sight-seeing fee is inclusive)

A free bus shuttle is provided from the Theater B. Nemcova in Frantiskovy Lazne at 1:30 pm, and from the castle back to the Theater B. Nemcova in Frantiskovy Lazne at 4:30 pm.


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28th - 29th of July 2012 - Historical fair at the Seeberg castle with a cultural program

Saturday from 10am, 12:30pm a 3pm: Live performance of the "Saviola" fencing group, historical and period dance-performance of the "Gloria" group, the street theater of Viktor Braunreiter with fairy tales for adults and for children;

Market-stands during both days: e.g. the hand-made and hand-painted pottery, hand-crafted jewellery and marionettes, but also warm and cold plates, hot and cold beverages for adults and kids (beer for the parents and sweets for the kids, you choose...)

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20th of April 2012 – 20th of June 2012 - Rhapsodie in blue – take a look at the original design fashion work of Lenka Tomandlová, at the jewelery of Lada Vosejpková and photos of Eva Hajšmanová 

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on 26th of May 2012 - Seeberg games

Beginning at 2.30 PM with the arrival of King Charles IV. and his Company.

The show for the honor of the emperor:

  • Ms. Havlickova's girls' dancing group from ZUŠ Cheb
  • fencing group RECTUS
  • bagpipes group Šumáci of Mr. Jelínek from ZUŠ Aš
  • music group LA DOLCE VITA from Sokolov

Free bus transport is provided from the Theater of B. Němcová in Frantiskovy Lazne to the castle at 1.30 p.m. and at 2.00 p.m. The departure from the casle is expected at 5.00 p.m.

The event is supported by the Karlovarský kraj

Photos from previous event:

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on 10th September 2011

Ceremony of the Sharpshooters from Frantiskovy Lazne with an insceptional visit of emperor Frantisek Josef I. and archduke Frantisek Josef I., the future emperor.

Dancing "musical" with elements of operetta, tirol folk songs and sweet vienna zither melodies
Beginning at 2 PM at the first castle courtyard - arrival of the emperor, parade
at 2.30 PM at the first castle courtyard - the sharpshooters performance for the emperor and the visitors of the castle


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23rd - 24th July 2011

Saturday, at 10 am, at 12:30 pm and at 3 pm:
live performance of the "Saviola" fencing group;
gypsy, period and oriental dancers;
the street theater of Viktor Braunreiter with fairy tales for adults and children;
period music.

Sunday, from 1 pm to 4 pm:
at 1 pm oriental dancers, at 1:30 pm children's program - games, extraordinary fairy tales.

Market-stands during both days.
On Saturday, free bus shuttle from Theater B. Nemcova to the venue at 9:30 am, 12:30 am and 2:30 pm, and from the castle back to Theater B. Nemcova at 12 am, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm.
On Sunday, free bus shuttle from Theater B. Nemcova to the venue at 12:30 am, and from the castle back to Theater B. Nemcova at 5 pm.


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Dlouhá 194/4
351 01 Františkovy Lázně

telefon:  +420 354 544 308
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Poustka (Ostroh) 18
350 02 Cheb

telefon: +420 351 011 990
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kateřina 39
351 34 Skalná

telefon:+420 351 011 997
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Stanice pro záchranu živočichů
telefon: + 420 731 824 390
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